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Newsletter #18 - 1978 Memory Lane


October 4, 2020

Welcome to the KCRFC E-mail Newsletter. Reply to this e-mail with any suggestions or comments and please CLICK on our sponsor link! It helps!

It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of another KCRFC member Sal DiCarlo on August 18, 2020.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SATURDAY OCT. 10, 2020 @ 11am Kansas City Swiss Society 6114 E. 58th St., KCMO 64129

The AGM will start promptly at 11:00am afterwards we will fire up the grill and enjoy some brats and beers. Please remember to be respectful and bring/wear a mask.

1978 Memory Lane


We would like to start gathering KCRFC memerabilia (photos, trophies, plaques, jerseys, newsletters, party fliers, etc...). The thought being that we need to gather our history and start preparing for an eventual club house to display this in. So, if you have something boxed up and you are ready to part with it we would gladly make a time to pick it up or work out shipping arrangements. Send us an email.

CBD American Shaman's partnership is instrumental in KCRFC's success. Not only have they taken center stage on our new jerseys, but their wide array of products from topical creams to hydrating drinks also benefit player recovery. If you are new to CBD Products or curious about them, visit the site to learn more about the benefits and much more. Use PRO40 for a 40% discount AND a portion of the purchase goes back to benefit the club! Please visit the CBD Website Button below where you can browse their products and purchases benefit KCRFC! CBD WEBSITE

How Can I Pay My Dues?

This link is for a recurring monthly donation of $8.35.

This link is for a recurring yearly donation of $100.00.

This link is for a recurring monthly donation of $25.00.

This link is for a one time payment of any amount.

Checks written to KCRFC. Mail to: Brian Cichello 5541 Central St. KC, MO 64113

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