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Newsletter #7 - 1990 Squad


March 22, 2020

Welcome to the KCRFC E-mail Newsletter. Please reply to this e-mail with any suggestions or comments.

MEMORY LANE - 1990 As I sit here, practicing physical distancing, I started thinking of all the people doing the same. I don’t use the term social distancing because we still have sooooo many ways to keep in touch. Having been with the club for 25 years, I have run into a great many of you and some of my best memories have occurred with the KCRFC or with many of the great rugby friends I have made along the way. I wasn't able to name everyone in this picture so if you know the few with numbers, reply to this email with their name and I will get it updated. The rugby experience is very different for every person, some only played 1 game, some played 1 season, some played 10+ years, some live for it, some casually enjoy it, some hate it. This is a social club and I hope that we can get you back involved in the aftermath of this pandemic. We would love to have more support to run the club but what we really need is for everyone to come out to a match or an event (when they start back up). We are trying to get consistent, relevant, up to date information out to all the members via email newsletters and posting on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We need to update many members contact information, so that we can get the information out to everyone. I will start sending out a list of members that we have No Status on so if you do know how to contact them, send them a note and ask them to send their contact information to or to tell us they are not interested and we can remove them from the lists. Stay safe and healthy and hope to see you on the other side. Brian Cichello 9521

CBD American Shaman's partnership is instrumental in KCRFC's success. Not only have they taken center stage on our new jerseys, but their wide array of products from topical creams to hydrating drinks also benefit player recovery. If you are new to CBD Products or curious about them, visit the site to learn more about the benefits and much more. Use PRO40 for a 40% discount AND a portion of the purchase goes back to benefit the club! Please visit the CBD Website Button below where you can browse their products and purchases benefit KCRFC! CBD WEBSITE

How Can I Pay My Dues?

Checks written to KCRFC. Mail to: Jason Posey 118 Kansas Ave Ft. Leavenworth, KS, 66027

Old Boys Match - April 25 @ Des Moines CANCELLED

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