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Newsletter # 9 - 2002 Squad

April 5, 2020

Welcome to the KCRFC E-mail Newsletter. Please reply to this e-mail with any suggestions or comments.

MEMORY LANE - 2002 We are welcoming back a lot members back into the fold! We need to update many other members contact information. I will continue to send out a list of members that we have No Status on (see below), so if you do know how to contact them, send them a note and ask them to send their contact information to or to tell us they are not interested and we can remove them from the lists. Stay Healthy!

Vice-President's Message I miss you all and am depressed the season is cancelled. However, I want to assure each of you the Coach, Executive Board and the Foundation are not slowing down on their efforts to continue to move the club forward. The play on the field we witnessed against Little Rock, is a glimpse of what is to come. The level of play was far above what we have seen in the recent past and the participation and turn out of our fans and alumni are very exciting. Building on these pillars of excitement we are planning some great things for the Fall season. There are changes coming to USA Rugby and how the leagues are structured. Leadership is anticipating such changes and we will continue to make our club stronger on the field and off. Socially, we are looking forward to plan events that will continue camaraderie and togetherness for when we are released from our self-imposed quarantines and allowed. So, stay tuned to information on Socials, poker games, run- arounds and matches as excuses to get together. We are looking for additional help for volunteers for a few positions consistent with the idea of strength in numbers and allocation of workload, so please contact with your ideas or desire to participate in some capacity. Giving of your time, treasure and talents will continue to breathe life into the Club and help us excel as all levels of play. With all of us working together we shall remain a Club of importance that leads by example in the way our founder, Gerard Seymour, always pictured us doing. At the center and in the forefront of Rugby from the high school level to the highest levels of the game. Cheers! Sean Pickett #9118

CBD American Shaman's partnership is instrumental in KCRFC's success. Not only have they taken center stage on our new jerseys, but their wide array of products from topical creams to hydrating drinks also benefit player recovery. If you are new to CBD Products or curious about them, visit the site to learn more about the benefits and much more. Use PRO40 for a 40% discount AND a portion of the purchase goes back to benefit the club! Please visit the CBD Website Button below where you can browse their products and purchases benefit KCRFC! CBD WEBSITE

How Can I Pay My Dues?

Checks written to KCRFC. Mail to: Jason Posey 118 Kansas Ave Ft. Leavenworth, KS, 66027

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